Welcome, I’m Gianna.
And I like to paint colorfully.
I grew up in a family full of creative women, and always loved painting, drawing, and any other art mediums I could get my hands on. I thought I might grow up to be an interior designer, artist, or fashion designer.
But I’m probably not your typical artist because when it came time to choose a career path, I got a degree in accounting and worked wholeheartedly toward a career in a big, fancy accounting firm.
As you might guess, that didn’t last very long.
Through a series of life changes including getting married, moving, and having my first baby, I left the work force and became a stay-at-home mom - the best job ever.
I turned back to painting when I was pregnant with my second baby boy, and began craving time spent with a paintbrush in hand and a blank canvas waiting to become something beautiful.
Spending my days with my three little boys who are always exploring and delighting in the world around them has given me a greater appreciation for the beauty all around and the joy to be found in the simplest of things.
That’s the feeling I hope to bring to your home with my art work: the magic of the everyday.