Hello & Farewell - A Collection of Landscape Paintings

I am excited to present my latest collection of paintings, "Hello & Farewell." This series is a deeply personal exploration of the landscapes that have shaped my journey, inspired by my old home state, California, and my new home state, Tennessee.

California: A Fond Farewell

California landscape paintings - Yosemite, Laguna Beach, Napa Valley, and La Jolla

California's breathtaking coastlines, majestic mountains, and winding vineyards are indelibly etched in my memories. Each scene from this golden state is painted with a sense of nostalgia, capturing the essence of places I once called home. The golden beaches, serene vineyards, and towering pine trees in this collection are not just landscapes; they are pieces of my past, moments I will always cherish. These paintings reflect the wistful joy of my Californian memories, celebrating the beauty of where I have come from.

Tennessee: A Warm Hello

Tennessee landscape paintings - countryside views, Norris Lake, and an old manor house

Moving to Tennessee has opened my eyes to a new kind of beauty. The rolling hills, lush greenery, and quaint charm of the countryside have captivated my heart. This collection reflects my excitement and appreciation for my new home, capturing the warmth and hospitality of the South. These paintings express the delight I find in my Tennessee surroundings, celebrating the beauty of where I am now.

A Journey of Gratitude

"Hello & Farewell" is more than a collection of paintings; it is an autobiographical journey of gratitude. Each piece tells a story of transition, growth, and appreciation for the landscapes that have defined my life. This series seamlessly blends the vibrant energy of California with the serene charm of Tennessee, offering a visual narrative that honors both the past and the present.

I invite you to explore "Hello & Farewell" and experience the heartfelt journey captured in these paintings. Together, let’s honor the landscapes of our lives, the places that have shaped us.

Meet the paintings:


Bringing the Joy of Nature Indoors: The Power of Landscape Paintings


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